Our Roadmap

Phase 1

Foundation, Project Launch & Community Building

  • Establish the core Anarkitty team and define project goals.
  • Launch the Anarkitty website and social media channels.
  • Develop and deploy the Anarkitty token on the Solana network.
  • Set up and launch project through Pinksale Fairlaunch.
  • Begin aggressive marketing campaigns on launch to build hype and attract early adopters.
  • Initiate community engagement through social platforms and AMAs.
Phase 2

Technology Development and Beta Testing

  • Start development of the Decentralized Cross-Chain Swap feature.
  • Implement the framework for the Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform.
  • Initiate the development of the Anonymity-Preserving DeFi Aggregator.
  • Launch beta versions for community feedback and testing.
  • Strengthen security protocols and infrastructure.
Phase 3

Launch Core Features and Expand Offerings

  • Official launch of the Decentralized Cross-Chain Swap.
  • Roll out the Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform for public use.
  • Introduce the Encrypted Communication Platform to enhance community interaction.
  • Develop additional features based on community feedback and market trends.
  • Establish partnerships with other blockchain projects and DeFi platforms.
Phase 4

Governance System Implementation and Ecosystem Expansion

  • Implement the Anarkitty Governance System for decentralized community decision-making.
  • Expand the ecosystem by introducing new utilities such as the DAO Launchpad and Educational Platform.
  • Foster a developer ecosystem around Anarkitty with grants and support for third-party app development.
  • Broaden marketing efforts to reach a global audience and increase adoption.
Phase 5

Scaling and Interoperability Enhancements

  • Optimize the scalability of Anarkitty's infrastructure to support increased user volume.
  • Enhance interoperability with other blockchains to expand the utility of Anarkitty services.
  • Upgrade existing features based on new blockchain technologies and community input.
  • Strengthen the Anarkitty brand through strategic partnerships and collaborations.
Phase 6

Sustainability and Long-Term Growth

  • Implement sustainability initiatives to ensure the long-term viability of the Anarkitty project.
  • Continue exploring new features and services to add to the Anarkitty ecosystem.
  • Deepen community engagement and governance participation.
  • Pursue regulatory compliance in new markets to facilitate global expansion.
  • Evaluate and iterate on the project's roadmap based on achievements, challenges, and new opportunities.